第129章 小试身手(2/2)
how can I decide what's right \/ 你的刻骨铭心
when you're clouding up my mind?\/ 让我如何看得清?
I can't win your losing fight \/ 我注定无法赢得与你的战争
All the time \/ 一直以来
Now can I ever own what's mine \/ 始终有你执手相护
when you're always taking sides?\/ 我可否坚守一次?
but you won't take away my pride?\/ 可否骄傲一次?No, not this time \/ 不,这次不会
Not this time \/ 这次不会
how did we get here\/ 时光重来
I used to know you so well \/ 我对你魂牵梦绕
how did we get here? \/ 我们怎会这样?
well, I think I know \/ 哦,我想我知道
the truth is hiding in your eyes \/ 真相就藏于你眼底
And it's hanging on your tongue \/ 真相就挂在你嘴边
Just boiling in my blood \/ 正随我血沸腾
but you think that I can't see \/ 你竟已然看不见
what kind of man that you are \/ 你谜一样的来历?
If you're a man at all \/ 你若算是人类
I will figure this one out \/ 哦,我会努力弄清楚
on my own \/ 靠我自己
I'm screaming, \I love you so\ (on my own) \/ 我呐喊:我好爱你(靠我自己)
but my thoughts you can't decode \/ 但我的答案,让你无法解锁