第75章 、剩斗士16.爱情友情两手抓(1/2)
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city of stars
are you shining just for me
city of stars
there so much that i can&039;t see
ho knos
i felt it from the first embrace i shared ith you
that no our dreams
they&039;ve finally e true
city of stars
just one thing everybody ants
there in the bars
and through the smokescreen of the croded restaurants
it&039;s love
yes all e&039;re looking for is love from someone else
a rush
a gnce
a touch
a dance
to look in somebody&039;s eyes
to light up the skies
to open the orld and send them reeling
a voice that says i&039;ll be here
and you&039;ll be alright
i don&039;t care if i kno